Frugal Living Is Not a Bad Thing
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Frugal Living
Frugal living doesn't have to be a bad thing! There are tons of ways to feed you family on a small budget, cheap ways to travel, budget crafts you can make, all without breaking your budget! That's what we will be sharing here, these are not just fun ideas but thrifty too!
Eating Out Costs A Fortune
Statistics show families use more of their food budget to eat out than on groceries.
Dinner Doesn't Have to Cost an Arm and Leg
One source says the average grocery budget for a family of four is $892!
Food is The Biggest Expense
Can you believe most of the family budget is contributed to food?
Budget Recipes
Learn how to stick to your budget and create amazing family recipes that everyone will love, and so will your wallet!
Budget DIY Crafts, Projects, and Gifts
Ready to spend your fun money but don't want to go overboard? Here are some great DIY posts, projects, and inexpensive gift ideas for year round!
Grab our FREE Meal Planning Worksheet!
Having a plan before you go shopping not only makes it less stressful but it's also proven that it saves you more money! Get the same meal planning worksheet we use!
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