Saving will give you peace of mind.
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Savings 101
Saving seems boring, I mean who wants to spend their last dollar and put it in a savings account? We are going to change your mind and teach you how to keep your eyes on the prize. Here you will finds articles about how to save, the best things to save for, saving for college and vacations, plus how to save for an emergency fund!
Be Prepared
44% of Americans don't have enough cash to save for a $400 emergency.
Things Happen
20% of Americans don't save any of their money!
Don't Be Caught Off Guard
58% of people in the US have less than $1000 saved.
Intro to Savings
Learn how to start saving even on a small budget and how it adds up to the bigger picture.
Saving Challenges
The heat is on! We challenge you to start saving so you can reach your goal! Weather it be that dream vacation, retirement, or your emergency fund!
Ways to Save
Typically cutting corners is a bad thing! We are going to help you find ways to save in your every day life and even some savings tips for special occasions.
Productivity Course for Entrepreneurs: focus & action
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product launch
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